Year 2 2024 - 2025
Year 2
You can find the links to our blogs below. They feature stories and photos from our exciting learning journey together.
If you have any questions, please email school at and we will get back to your as soon as we can.
Thank you for your support
The Year 2 Team
General Information
PE Days
Y2RS - Mondays and Fridays
Y2LS - Mondays and Wednesdays
Please ensure that you child has their kit in school on these days. Please also remove earrings and tie back long hair.
Home Learning
Y1 and Y2 Spring 1 2025 Homework Menu
Maths Home Learning 2024-25
Maths home learning will be set on Numbots. Please contact your class teacher if you need a copy of your login details.
At Marlcliffe we believe that reading development needs to be central to our curriculum and the teaching of phonics forms the foundation of this. Phonics and reading are heavily intertwined, especially in the early stages of learning to read, and phonics is a vital tool in the understanding of text.
Our teaching and learning is based on a phonics and early reading scheme called ‘Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised’, which is used by over 5000 primary schools in the UK.
Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised is the fastest growing Department for Education-validated phonics programme, built around the latest research into how children read most effectively. It is designed to ensure that learning stays in a child’s long-term memory and helps them to apply their learning to become a highly competent reader. The scheme supports all children to enjoy success in reading and has highly targeted interventions if anyone needs a little extra help. Plus there are lots of joyful characters for the children to meet along the way!
There is lots of advice for parents and carers on the Little Wandle website:
The resources on this page will help you support your child with saying their sounds and writing their letters. There are also some useful videos so you can see how they are taught at school and feel confident about supporting their reading at home.
KS1 parent / carers meeting slides.
Useful Websites
Files to Download
Year 2: Calendar items
KS1 Family Learning, by Mrs Hanson
KS1 Family Learning, by Mrs Hanson
Y2 Trip to Fire Museum, by Mrs Hanson