Years 3 and 4 2024 - 2025

Welcome to the pages for children in Y3 and Y4.

On this page, we will post useful information and documents for download (see the 'Files' links below).


           Spring 1 image.jpg


This half term, we will move forward to a more recent period of history – Elizabethan England. We will look at the Tudor roots of Queen Elizabeth I before studying life in this period by comparing housing and clothing for the rich and poor. We will also look at the significance of Francis Drake and the impact of the Spanish Armada on Britain’s power. Children will learn about other significant characters such as Mary Queen of Scots and how Elizabeth made her reign of lasting significance.

The theme of exploration will also be considered in English as we learn about Ernest Shackleton’s expedition to the Antarctic. We will be writing a persuasive letter from the point of view of prospective crew members and a non-chronological report about his ship, The Endurance.

In science, we will explore the themes of forces and magnetism. We will learn about forces being either a push or a pull, as well as friction as an example of a force we experience daily. We will also learn about magnetism as a property of materials and we will test the strength of magnets.

In French, Y3 will be looking at families while Y4 will build on their knowledge of animals and pets from the previous year. We will be programming in computing lessons, using software called FMS Logo to give instructions to a ‘turtle’. In RE, we will be looking at Hinduism and their beliefs around gods and creation. In art, we are looking at pattern and the use of colour, line and shape in different artists’ work. We will then be creating our own tile using pencils and crayons to make a tessellating repeating pattern. In personal development, we will investigate emotions including stress and anger. We will also become familiar with Zones of Regulation as a concept for managing our emotions. In PE, we are continuing with both gymnastics and dance, building on the skills we developed last half term.


Here are the links for each class blog, where you can see pictures of our fantastic learning:


Y4GM's blog

Y4FB's blog

Y3/4LT's blog

Y3NM's blog

Y3RC's blog


Files to Download

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Years 3 and 4: Calendar items

Marcliffe Primary School
Marlcliffe Primary School
Marlcliffe Road
S6 4AJ
Main Contact:Steph Hanson, School Manager