PE and Sport


At Marlcliffe Primary School we believe that physical education, experienced in a safe and supportive environment is a unique and vital contributor to a child’s physical development and well-being. A broad and balanced physical education curriculum is intended to provide children with increasing self-confidence; as well as an ability to manage themselves and their bodies within a variety of movement situations. We recognise the importance that PE plays in the curriculum; we are committed to providing all children with opportunities to engage fully in Physical Education. The aim of our PE curriculum is to develop children's basic physical competencies and to build confidence in their ability - whilst also building the foundations for a lifelong love of sport, physical activity and a healthy lifestyle.  PE lessons encourage children to compete against themselves and others, whilst being challenged to improve their physical, social, emotional and thinking skills. These skills are embedded in the heart of our planning. We believe physical education should be an area of learning where self-esteem, physical progression and positive attitudes, are fostered and nurtured.  These principals are promoted through our curriculum drivers; one of which is ‘Healthy Individuals’ – these threads run through an entire curriculum. Physical Education provides all children with the opportunity to succeed, whether through personal or team success. Physical Education also promotes a healthy lifestyle which children can develop and value into adulthood. 


PE lessons are planned at Marlcliffe using the Get Set 4 PE scheme.  This approach aligns with our core values, our whole child approach to PE and the objectives laid out in the National Curriculum. Get Set 4 PE is planned so that progression is built into the scheme which ensures our children are increasingly challenged as they move up through the school. The curriculum planning in PE is carried out in three phases (long-term, medium-term and short-term). The long-term plan (LTP) which works on a 2-yearly cycle, maps out the PE activities covered each half term in each phase.

The PE subject leader works the LTP out in conjunction with teaching colleagues. Together we create a broad and balanced curriculum that is exciting for our children. Our medium-term plans (MTPs) give details about the units of work, taught each half term. These schemes/MTPs provide an overview of the unit, links to other areas of the National Curriculum and assessment criteria for that unit. The short-term plans/lesson plans (STPs), support teachers to deliver individual lessons.  They provide opportunities for children of all abilities to develop their skills, knowledge and understanding in each activity area. 

We are also part of the Arches Sports Partnership and School Games Partnership.  They provide inter-school festivals and organise competitive events.  The children put themselves forward to participate in these events; however, our inclusive approach is to ensure that throughout the academic year, all children (who want to), have taken part in at least one event.  This is monitored carefully by the subject leader. 

We aim to offer a range of sports clubs after school e.g., football, dance, basketball, NFL flag football, 'learn to ride a bike' sessions and table tennis.  Some of these are run by trained school staff and others are run by Arches coaches.  School also participates in the cross-country racing events, which take place throughout Sheffield.  All of these clubs are offered with the aim of being inclusive of all children. Children with 1-1 support, are accompanied by an adult (1:1), in order to achieve maximum participation. PE is broad and open-ended; providing opportunities to solve problems, work independently, work as a group and to be responsible for self-regulation. Most PE activities work well as class lessons and are appropriate for all children of any ability. Due to our wide range of opportunities for children at Marlcliffe, we have achieved the Platinum School Games Mark for 23-24 and look forward to achieving this again in 2025.  We have received other rewards in our recent active, sporting efforts such competing and winning both the Sheffield and regional finals of the NFL Flag Football Championship which enabled us to play in the National Finals at Loughborough University in 2024. Marlcliffe have also qualified to the regional finals in Tag-rugby, Athletics and Basketball. As a whole school we also take part yearly in the WOW Active Travel Challenge which we topped the leaderboard last year in Sheffield and be crowned the winners of the Top Ten Challenge. We also reached a high position of 7th Nationally.


Marlcliffe have a strong belief that regular active minutes in a day whether this is being physically active both in structured activities, organised events  or free time is detrimental to the overall healthy development of all children at our school. PE is closely monitored by SLT and the subject leader to ensure all aspects of the curriculum are being utilized and embedded to ensure key attributes such as leadership, teamwork and confidence are all gained throughout children’s time at Marlcliffe. Children are also given the opportunity to self and peer assess so they have a greater depth of knowledge to enable them to improve. All the skills children learn in PE through sport and competition are key skills they will carry with them through life helping them become global citizens, confident communicators, aspirational learners and of course healthy individuals.

See also information on our PE and Sports Premium page.







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Marcliffe Primary School
Marlcliffe Primary School
Marlcliffe Road
S6 4AJ
Main Contact:Steph Hanson, School Manager