Parents' Zone

Parent Partnership

At Marlcliffe Primary we believe an effective partnership with parents/carers is crucial.

Opportunities are provided for parents to discuss their child’s progress on two parent consultation evenings a year, held in the Autumn and Spring terms. The first meeting is held early in the school year when Parents/carers and teachers get to know each other; exchange information, discuss targets and explore ways of working together for the benefit of the child. A meeting held about halfway through the Spring Term gives opportunities to review progress, discuss achievements and set further targets and we ask that you do your very best to attend them

In addition an open evening is held during the summer term when parents can view not only their child’s work, but also the work on display throughout the school. A written report is issued for all pupils in the Summer Term explaining what children have achieved and which skills or abilities they need to develop.

KS2 children have planners which contain information about the curriculum for their year group, homework timetables, spellings and weekly information about what is happening in school or their class. Parents/Carers are asked to check this regularly and add their comments or information for the class teacher. KS1 children have a simpler reading record book.

We actively encourage parents to come in to school or telephone us with any concerns so that they can be dealt with as quickly as possible. Brief discussions can take place at the beginning of the school day but we prefer parents to see staff after school where possible so that classes are not kept waiting for lessons to start.

Workshops and information sessions are organised where parents can gain a deeper understanding of current developments and initiatives and be given information about how they can support their child’s learning at home.

We see education as being a partnership between teachers, parents and pupils. Their roles and responsibilities are identified in the home /school agreement. This is signed by all of us to show our willingness and intention to provide the best possible education care for all pupils. For this agreement to be successful it is important that parents, staff and pupils are all able to work together. We welcome parental involvement in the classroom. Parents often help with individuals or small groups supporting reading, maths and practical tasks in the classroom or helping with school excursions and special events. Parents with special skills have broadened the curriculum for pupils by sharing their skills with the children. Please contact class teachers to discuss the kind of contribution you would like to make. This can be on a regular basis or otherwise.

Home Learning

The purpose and the amount of homework will change as your child gets older. For children in Key Stage 1, homework will include short activities, word and number games, learning spellings and enjoying reading together. We encourage you to read with and to your child for between ten and twenty minutes a day. The time spent on homework will be approximately 1 hour per week.

In Key Stage 2 the main purpose of homework is to provide opportunities for your child to develop the skills of independent learning. This will only be achieved if homework is set regularly. By the time your child reaches Year 6 their homework will cover a wide range of tasks and curriculum content. The school will liaise with the secondary schools to ensure that your child is well prepared for transfer.

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Marcliffe Primary School
Marlcliffe Primary School
Marlcliffe Road
S6 4AJ
Main Contact:Steph Hanson, School Manager