Zones of Regulation

Children’s mental health and well-being is an increasing area of need both locally and nationally. As a school, we want all of our children to have positive mental health and be resilient. This also supports one of our school curriculum drivers- Healthy Individuals. If children are emotionally regulated they will be able to do their best learning, be able to face challenges and build and sustain positive relationships. To support with this, as a school we focus on developing children’s emotional literacy and emotional regulation. To help with this we use a well-known approach across school called The Zones of Regulation. The Zones provide a framework for learning and talking about emotions. We also teach the children a range of different strategies to help them regulate their emotions such as different breathing techniques, grounding techniques and physical exercises. Each class has posters to show each zone and they have a toolkit of approaches to help them regulate their emotions.

Blue Zone.jpg
Green Zone.jpg
Yellow Zone.jpg
Red Zone.jpg

Regulation Strategies

Five finger breathing.jpg
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Hot chocolate breathing.jpg
Marcliffe Primary School
Marlcliffe Primary School
Marlcliffe Road
S6 4AJ
Main Contact:Steph Hanson, School Manager