Secret Garden
We are lucky enough to have a fantastic secret garden which all the classes visit and grow flowers and vegetables. We have a large poly-tunnel so we can grow vegetables all year round. The garden is also is used to support the science curriculum and gives the children the opportunity to see how plants change over the seasons. We sometimes go there to spot wildlife.
There are 'drop-in' gardening club sessions at lunchtimes with Mrs Hardy. An after school club gardening club runs from September until after October half term. It starts again after Easter and runs through to the end of the summer term. Children are given a letter where they can say if they would like to attend. Mrs Hardy runs this with the allotment society volunteers, Mr Morton and Mr Potter. They work closely with the school so that the children get to enjoy seeing their hard work in growing a variety of things including tomatoes, potatoes and various flowers. We regularly hold plant sales where we can sell plants for you to have at home, all of which are grown by the children. The proceeds for these sales goes back into the secret garden to help buy equipment and seeds/bulbs to plant during the school year.