Extended Learning ~ When we talk about extended learning this encompasses learning that takes place outside the routine of school. Sometimes this will involve activities that enhance learning within the traditional school day, for example school trips or visitors in school, and sometimes this will happen outside the traditional school day, for example after-school clubs and residential holidays.
During their time at Marlcliffe we would also like every child to have the opportunity to participate regularly in school shows, performances and other events that share their talents with the school community. Within year groups this will involve events which give the children the opportunities to share their learning, for example showing other children what they have been learning in a phase assembly. In this school year our Foundation Stage children and our Y1 and Y2 children will each perform a Christmas Show and the Y6 children will perform a show at the end of the summer term.
Extended learning opportunities outside the school day are provided by both staff and external providers. These activities, which are optional, are often targeted at specific age groups and have a limited number of places. Some involve a cost to parents but many are free to take part in. These extended learning opportunities range from sport, dance, gardening, computing, French, Spanish, Italian, and science.
Educational Visits
Educational visits and trips are frequently arranged to enhance and extend the children's learning. Parents and carers will be informed about these trips with as much notice as possible, although sometimes opportunities will present themselves at shorter notice. Parents and carers are asked to complete a permission form for the school year, which covers local visits, but will be asked for specific permission for trips further afield. Although some trips are free, many will involve costs and in this case parents and carers will be asked for a voluntary contribution, discussed below.
During their time at Marlcliffe children will also have the opportunity to take part in residential visits. The Y6 children visit an outdoor education centre in France for a week in the autumn term; the Y4 children visit the Kingswood Centre near Doncaster for two nights in May. We believe that residential visits offer children fantastic opportunities to experience outdoor and adventurous activities that we could not give them in school; we are very grateful for the commitment of our staff which makes them possible.
Charging Policy
Under the terms of the Education Reform Act 1988, schools are not allowed to charge for activities offered to pupils during the school day, though the school may ask for voluntary contributions. If your child's class is involved in an educational visit, parents will be asked if they are prepared to make a voluntary contribution. It will be made clear whether the visit is dependent upon voluntary contributions being made. If the visit takes place, all children in the class will go, whether or not the parents have made a voluntary contribution. However visits may have to be cancelled if a number of parents do not make a voluntary contribution as the school does not have enough money to cover the cost of these. If your child is entitled to free school meals then the school meets half the cost of visits, including residential ones.