Meet the Team

As we are such a large school many people are employed at Marlcliffe.

The Leadership Team at Marlcliffe

Headteacher - Mrs Hayes

Deputy Headteacher - Mrs Turner

Assistant Headteacher - Miss Adams


Teaching and Learning at Marlcliffe


Early Years - Foundation Stage

Early Years Leader - Mrs Ward

Class Teachers

Blue Dragons - Mrs Ward/Miss Atkinson; Green Dragons - Miss Hammond/Mrs House; Red Dragons - Mrs Fletcher 

Teaching Assistants

Mrs Clarke; Mrs Chatterton; Mrs Broadway; Mrs Turner.


KS1 - Year 1 and Year 2 - Lead - Mrs Roach

Class Teachers

Y1 - Mrs Fox; Mr Lambie

Y2 - Mrs Roach/Mrs Sharman; Mrs Sims

Teaching Assistants

Mrs Marsh; Mrs Hardy; Mrs Fellows; Mrs Whittle; Mrs Taylor 


KS2 - Year 3 and Year 4 - Lower KS2 Lead - Mrs Towers

Class Teachers

Y3 - Mrs Cooper; Mrs Neale/Mrs Mowforth

Y3/Y4 - Mrs Towers

Y4 - Mrs Fallon/Mrs Barber; Mr MacDonald

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Packham; Miss Pepler; Miss Collingwood; Miss Furley-Jones; Mrs Whittle


KS2 - Year 5 and Year 6 - Upper KS2 Lead - Miss Adams

Class Teachers

Y5 - Mr Cooper; Miss Clarke

Y5/Y6 - Mrs Johnson/Miss Adams 

Y6 - Mr Allsop; Mr Edmondson

Teaching Assistants

Miss Hartle; Mr Neasmith, Mr Croft


Support Staff through school

Mrs Morley - KS1 HLTA/Curriculum Support

Mr Kenworthy - HLTA/PE Lead

Mrs Heyes - 1to1 SEN Support

Mrs O'Keefe - Class support Y1 and Playleader

Mrs Barratt - Learning Mentor/Assistant Safeguarding Lead

Mrs L Smith - Learning Mentor Support/1to1 Support

Mrs Doherty - Learning Mentor Support/Class Support

Mrs J Smith - 1to1 SEN Support

Mrs Savage - Learning Mentor Support/SEN Support



Mrs Stacey


Lunchtime Support Staff

Mrs Deighton; Mrs Jackson; Mrs Circuit; Mrs Savage; Mrs O'Malley; Mrs Cooke; Mrs Doherty; Mrs Haileselassie; Mrs Castledine; Mrs Mincher; Mrs Allison; Mrs Smith; Mrs Southam; Mrs Taylor; Mrs Griffiths


Office Staff

Mrs Hanson - School Manager

Miss Codd - Admin Support Officer - Attendance Lead 

Mrs Harvey - Admin Support Officer


Premises Support Team

Mr Heslington - Buildings Officer

Mr Sweetnam-Powell - Caretaker


Mrs Coldwell; Mrs Anson; Miss Brown; Mrs Mincher; Miss Terry


Taylor Shaw - School Meals Team 

Cook Supervisor - Mrs Wood

Assistant Cook - Miss Curtis

Catering Assistant - Mrs Butler

Catering Assistant - Mrs Fidler



Marcliffe Primary School
Marlcliffe Primary School
Marlcliffe Road
S6 4AJ
Main Contact:Steph Hanson, School Manager